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来源:本站 作者:管理员 日期:2020/2/4 16:48:01

4、Riddle of destruction毁灭之谜

The Indus River is one of the longest rivers in the world and also one of the birthplaces of human civilization. Since the 19th century, a large number of sites of the same civilization have been found in the Punjab area beside the Indus River, which is 1600 kilometers long from east to west and 1400 kilometers long from north to south. Its wide coverage is unique in the world, that is, the so-called "Indus River civilization".

The most famous of these are the ruins of two ancient cities, halapa and mahanzo Daro. According to the most conservative estimate, the two ancient cities are at least 5000 years ago, but there are no records of the two ancient cities in the early myth of India, so their history may be longer than what is supposed.

In the excavation of urban architecture, archaeologists can't find temples and palaces at all, which is different from the ancient city relics excavated in the world. It seems that there is no ruler in the city at all. The residential buildings in mahanzo Daro City confirm this point. The houses are built of brick and wood, which are basically the same in terms of pattern and scale, not to mention any art works.

A large number of remains have been unearthed in mahanzo Darrow, some in the streets and more in the living rooms. In one of the ruins, rows of fallen people were found, some of them covering their faces with their hands. To be sure, all people die suddenly.


印度河是世界最长的河流之一,也是人类文明的发源地之一。从19世纪开始,人们在印度河旁的 旁遮普郡一带,发现一个东西长1600公里、南北长1400公里属同一文明的大量遗址,其涵盖范围之广在世界上独一无二,此即所谓“印度河文明”。

其中最著名的是两座 古城遗址,即 哈拉帕和摩享佐·达罗(印度语为死亡之谷)。据最保守的估计,两座古城距今至少在5000多年前,但在印度的早期神话中没有两座古城的记载,所以其历史也许比猜想的要久远。

在城市建筑的挖掘中,考古学家根本找不到 神殿和宫殿,这与世界上所挖掘的古城遗迹都不相同,似乎城市根本没有统治者。摩享佐·达罗城的居民 住宅建筑证实了这一点,住房都由砖木建成,从格局规模来看基本相同,更未发现任何一件艺术品。

